$500.00 CAD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Check this box if you want a cabin to yourself and $500 will be added to your purchase. If you have a preference of which cabin you want to stay in, email me before you purchase and I will let you know if it is available. Smaller cabins are typically chosen for single accommodations.

The Inward Journey

A Self-Mothering Soul-cation

What's included:

  • All food and lodging. Lodging will be 2-3 women per cabin, each person will have their own bed.
  • Facilitation (meditation, yoga, coaching etc.)
  • Connection with other like-minded women
  • If you want to read more about this experience click HERE

Payments for Canadians can be made with e-transfer if you'd like, by using [email protected]

If you want a cabin to yourself you can check the box above the purchase button to add single accommodations to your purchase. If you want to have a specific cabin, email me to check if it is available before your purchase.


Single Payment Option


6 Month Payment Plan

The 6 Month Payment Plan Options Expires May 31st.


**Tickets are non-refundable. Refunds will only be given if the organizers cancel the event**