
The Parenting Coach

Crystal Standing in a pink jumper in front of a lake


Crystal Haitsma
The Parenting Coach

Welcome Mama!

Hi, I'm Crystal!

I'm a Certified Life Coach for parents.

Modern parenting is based on brain development, connection, and attachment. It’s focusing more on relationships than changing behaviours (and then watching the behaviours magically transform on their own- without behaviour therapy or ABA). It’s inclusive, loving and warm. It's the future.

This parenting sets your kids up for emotional success in life so they can create their own healthy adult attachments, demonstrate empathy, regulate themselves, live with self-confidence, and have healthy communication and love in their own relationships. 

It's what creates a healthy, successful, and rewarding life for them- and for you too. Time and time again research has shown that emotional intelligence outperforms academic intelligence alone. This future for your kids is the focus. 

You're in the right place. You are ALWAYS enough and NEVER too much!

Your Own Natural
Parenting Expert

Picture of girl holding a planter pot
Picture of fern
Picture of woman holding planter pot

Hi there! I’m so glad you found me here. I’m Crystal. I have been interested in humans and why they do what they do for as long as I remember. I was young when I decided that I was going to work in the field of emotional and mental health in some way when I grew up… even though I had never been to therapy and didn’t even really know what it was. I felt a deep knowing inside: THIS was my purpose.


Fast forward several years, a degree in psychology, more self-help books, and courses than I can count, a few certificates in Life Coaching… and here I am. Helping in my little corner of the world- focussing on healthy relationships with ourselves and others. Connection-based parenting is usually my jam, but I love to support relationships of all kinds (you can hear more of my own parenting struggles and story here on my podcast). I feel so passionate about emotional wellness and helping ourselves, so we can help those we love, that it doesn’t even feel like a job to me. It feels like my mission.

I work with clients through individual/couples coaching, courses, public speaking, and retreats. Go HERE to learn more.


Radical Connection

Intuition & Self-Trust

Shame Resilience

A Little

About Me

My life is guided entirely by intuition. I listen to myself. I trust myself. I spend time in stillness and connection to myself. I use this magic to find answers in parenting, tricky relationships, tough situations that come up, and even in work.

I believe in me. I feel a deep sense of confidence and connection to myself. I don’t spend time second-guessing myself or regretting my choices.

This wasn’t always the case. I would ask others for their opinions on my life ALL of the time. What should I wear? What should we do today? What should we eat for dinner? 

I outsourced all of this to others. I felt like I didn’t have an opinion. I couldn’t be trusted. I didn’t know.

I questioned what others thought of me and spent time comparing myself to others- in person and online. I worried about not measuring up and not fitting in.

I often felt overwhelmed, like there was too much on my plate… and not enough time for all the things I needed to do. I didn’t usually fit myself into that list very well either.

I didn’t realize that my thoughts mattered. My opinions mattered. Especially my own opinions about me. I didn’t understand that my own relationship with me was something I could change, nourish and grow.

Healing is remembering. Remembering your worth. Your innate value. Who you really are inside. Learning to trust, care for, and love you.

Intuition flows with ease from this space. Parenting with connection comes naturally from here. Life is different. Simpler. Quieter. More still. Joy. Intimacy. Flow.

It’s a wonderful life.

If you want to join me, find more about how to work with me right here. 


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