Build Better Relationships with Your Kids
At Any Age
"Children learn best when they like their teacher, and they think their teacher likes them"
Dr. Gordon Neufeld
Whether you're teaching arithmetic or emotions, this quote holds true. As you strengthen your relationship, your influence increases, and you see the learning through changes in your kid's behaviours (at every age).
What do you hope for in your home?
- Less yelling (from you or your kids... or both?)
- Decreasing sibling fighting (trust me, it's possible)
- Ditching mom guilt, and feeling confident in your parenting and choices
- Reducing screen time, without the meltdowns
- Managing big emotions (for the whole family)
- Getting on the same page as your partner
The path forward starts here, I can help. You're doing better than you think. Choose from one of the courses below, and get started right now.

Start With One of The Courses Below, and See The Results

Faith-Based Parenting
Enhance your relationship with God, expanding love to all areas of your life, and see it change your parenting too.
You will learn to unshame parenting and lean into love, leaving you feeling connected to God in a deeper and more intimate way. Your relationship with God, yourself, and your kids will never be the same.
Faith-Based Parenting

The Shame-Free Parenting Movement
In order to ditch the shame-based methods of the past, and move into connection and empathy... we MUST move through our own inner work first.
Parenting is an inside job. If we want to parent in a way that feels good to us, and our kids... the change comes from within. If you know that un-shaming work is your next area of growth, join us.
Shame-Free Parenting

Your Superpower Brain
This course for teens, tweens, and young adults teaches emotional intelligence, the biggest predictor of future success. They'll learn skills like emotional resilience, shame work, self-regulation, and how their mind works.
They'll feel excited and confident, knowing how to think and feel to best support them now, and in the future.
Your Superpower Brain
Not ready to jump into a course just yet?
Download this free feelings wheel and get started on your emotional health (with tips and support headed to your inbox now!)

Awareness is the first step in self-regulation for you and your kids, at any age (managing all those BIG emotions, that seem hard sometimes).
My Feelings Wheel helps you recognize and identify what emotions you're feeling, and learn to move through them in a healthy way, instead of reacting TO them.
Submit your name and email in the form below and I will send you the feelings wheel, and next steps.